Meet our Members: Pascal Lafreniere
This week on Meet our Members, we interview Pascal Lafreniere!
Pascal Lafreniere receiving his Lieutenant shoulder flashes.
CFR: Could you provide a brief background of your fire service career?
I've been with Comox Fire Rescue for 7 years now. Previous to that I had no fire service experience. I was promoted to Lieutenant in 2014 and am currently finishing up my Fire Officer lv. 1 course.
CFR: Was there any specific event that first interested you in becoming a fire fighter?
Nothing in particular, but firefighting checked all the boxes of my ideal career!
CFR: What is your favourite part of volunteering for Comox Fire Rescue (or working in the valley in general)?
My favourite part of volunteering at CFR is the amount of opportunites given to us to grow and learn as firefighters and the opportunity to share knowledge and experience with other firefighters.
CFR: Outside of the fire department, what are your interests/hobbies?
I enjoy spending time outdoors, usually doing activites such as mountain biking, snowboarding (when there's actually snow on Mt. Washington), quadding in the back-country, and generally exploring Vancouver Island.
CFR: What are some major changes you have seen in the fire service industry during your career?
The amount of options for aquiring training. You can get textbooks, ebooks, online training... The amount of ways to get training has significantly increased since I started.
Thank you, Pascal, for your years of dedication and leadership especially in your new role training recruits!
An inside joke.