2020 Firefighter Youth Camp is fast approaching!
Every two years (since 2000) Comox Fire Rescue has hosted a 4 day Firefighter Youth Camp for approximately 30 Comox Valley high school students. The camp is open to both males and female students in grades 11 and 12.
Applications and selections are done by the Work Experience staff in the local high schools. The goal of this camp is to provide significant learning and life experience and to provide skills and attitudes that can be applied now and later in life.
Volunteer training for the Youth Camp is provided by members of Comox Fire Rescue, as well as other firefighters from neighbouring departments.
“We are very fortunate to have a dedicated and hard working team at Comox Fire Rescue to host the Youth Camp.” says Fire Chief Gord Schreiner. “Without their support, as well as the great support from local business to provide food and supplies, this amazing Firefighter Youth Camp could not happen.”
The countdown is on! Here are some photos from the 2018 camp: