Burning season is upon us...
... But not today! According to the Ministry of Environment, the Venting Index for this morning and afternoon is rated "Poor" which means burning is not allowed.
The Venting Index is a term used in air pollution meteorology. (It is also known as the Ventilation Index.) The Ventiling Index is a numerical value related to the potential of the atmosphere to disperse airborne pollutants, such as smoke from a prescribed fire. It is based on both the current wind speed in the mixed layer and the mixing height. The mixed layer is the surface layer of air that is turbulent and well mixed. The mixing height is the thickness (sometimes zero) of this mixed layer.
If you are in the Comox Fire Protection District and you have a valid burning permit, please remember to call 1-888-281-2992 or check the Venting Index website at http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/epd/epdpa/venting/venting.html before you burn!