Comox Fire Rescue

Prevention, Emergency Response, and the Comox Fire Training Centre

Comox Fire Rescue provides a variety of preventive and emergency services to a population of over 18,000 in an area of 16 square miles. This includes the Town of Comox, the Comox Fire Protection Improvement District, the Bates Huband Local Service Area (Regional District of Comox-Strathcona), and the Comox Indian Band. They also operate the Comox Fire Training Centre, which trains firefighters from all over Vancouver Island, and even parts of BC and the rest of Canada. The training centre is certified by the JIBC.

Another public access AED: Comox Valley Emergency Plan

Comox Firefighters donate an AED to Comox Valley Emergency Plan (CVEP), Emergency Operation Centre.

Comox Firefighters have donated another automatic external defibrillator (AED), this time to the Comox Valley Emergency Plan (CVEP), Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) located on Moray Avenue in Courtenay. Chief Gord Schreiner states: “The EOC plays a critical role in any Valley wide emergencies. We have a regular monthly meeting there and conduct exercises a couple times per year at that location. Having attended many of these functions I noted that this place of high importance and high stress should have an AED in it. I brought up the idea to our firefighters and they were quick to fill the request. The funds for this project are generated through our Comox Fire Training Centre where we direct any profits back into the community - a WIN/WIN for everyone”.

CVEP coordinator, Mike Fournier states: “This is a great addition to our Emergency Operations Centre. We hope we never need to use it but it is comforting to know that it is there.”

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can strike at any time—during work, while at church, or while visiting your local business. Fewer than 10% of SCA victims typically survive, but studies show that 30% to 50% would likely survive if CPR and AEDs were used within five minutes of collapse. Communities across the country are responding by implementing Public Access Defibrillation programs. Public Access Defibrillation programs include both access to AEDS and training.

Comox Fire Rescue knows the value of AEDs as they carry AEDs on most of their emergency vehicles and have donated several more throughout the Valley.

Please contact Comox Fire Rescue at if you have any questions.

Comox Fire Rescue

1870 Noel Ave, Comox, BC, V9M 2K9, Canada
